Nike Suputra

Hi! I'm Nike Suputra
Software Developer

I'm a passionate software developer with a knack for solving complex problems with over 3 years of experience. I've delivered impactful solutions using Go and TypeScript.

I always strive to automate tasks and activities whenever possible, saving time and avoiding repetitive work. Currently, I'm focused on learning more about automating application deployment to Kubernetes environments.

Let's connect and discuss how we can drive innovation together.

Nike Suputra
A few of my creative endeavors.

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A bit about me.

I am . . .


a self taught developer

I started learning to code through online resources and absolutely fell in love with the creativity and problem solving that is involved in developing and engineering innovative new online experiences. I began with the fundamentals, building simple websites with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. As my skills grew, I delved into backend development, honing my expertise with technologies like Node.js + Express.js and Go + Gin.


a cloud devops enthusiast

Embracing the dynamic world of cloud DevOps, I am driven by a relentless passion for optimizing and automating the development and deployment process. Currently, I'm actively exploring Amazon Web Services (AWS) to expand my proficiency in cloud-based DevOps practices. I immersed myself in learning the ins and outs of cloud computing, infrastructure as code (IaC), and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.


a collaborative problem solver

Throughout my journey as a self-taught developer and cloud DevOps enthusiast, I've come to value not only technical expertise but also the power of collaboration. As a collaborative problem solver, I thrive in team environments where collective innovation and problem-solving are essential. I believe that diverse perspectives and skill sets are the driving force behind successful projects. My ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and adapt to different viewpoints allows me to bridge gaps and forge connections within cross-functional teams.

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